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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu Miss7Mama dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu Miss7Mama te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • Maritime7

    Broj poruka: 4

    Prijavi adminu

    I want to especially thank Dr. Aroni for helping me get cured of the Genital Herpes Virus. I was diagnosed last 2 summer and my doctor said no cure for the virus. I was in big trouble until I saw this YouTube post-online testifying about Dr. Aroni, How he cured A lady with ALS / MND disease using his herbal healing cure. I contacted his base on the good testimonies I was seeing about him on the internet, how he cured so many people from different diseases and Viruses with his roots, herbs, and healing oil. I placed an order and received medicines after 4 working days and commerce treatment as instructed, now I'm happily sharing my own testimony to the world that I'm cured. If you need help to cure HSV1-2 or any other disease or virus, contact him today on his email; Aronilovespelltemple @ gmail. com When people know better, they do better!

  • Maritime7

    Broj poruka: 4

    Prijavi adminu

    I want to especially thank Dr. Aroni  for helping me get cured of the Genital Herpes Virus. I was diagnosed last 2 summer and my doctor said no cure for the virus. I was in big trouble until I saw this YouTube post-online testifying about Dr.Aroni, How he cured A lady with ALS/MND disease using his herbal healing cure. I contacted his base on the good testimonies I was seeing about him on the internet, how he cured so many people from different diseases and Viruses with his roots, herbs, and healing oil. I placed an order and received medicines after 4 working days and commerce treatment as instructed,  now I'm happily sharing my own testimony to the world that I'm cured. If you need help to cure HSV1-2 or any other disease or virus, contact him today on his email;Aronilovespelltemple@gmail. com When people know better, they do better ! You will be glad you did.

  • Maritime7

    Broj poruka: 4

    Prijavi adminu

    I want to especially thank Dr. Aroni  for helping me get cured of the Genital Herpes Virus. I was diagnosed last 2 summer and my doctor said no cure for the virus. I was in big trouble until I saw this YouTube post-online testifying about Dr.Aroni, How he cured A lady with ALS/MND disease using his herbal healing cure. I contacted his base on the good testimonies I was seeing about him on the internet, how he cured so many people from different diseases and Viruses with his roots, herbs, and healing oil. I placed an order and received medicines after 4 working days and commerce treatment as instructed,  now I'm happily sharing my own testimony to the world that I'm cured. If you need help to cure HSV1-2 or any other disease or virus, contact him today on his email;Aronilovespelltemple@gmail. com When people know better, they do better ! You will be glad you did.

  • Maritime7

    Broj poruka: 4

    Prijavi adminu

    I want to especially thank Dr. Aroni  for helping me get cured of the Genital Herpes Virus. I was diagnosed last 2 summer and my doctor said no cure for the virus. I was in big trouble until I saw this YouTube post-online testifying about Dr.Aroni, How he cured A lady with ALS/MND disease using his herbal healing cure. I contacted his base on the good testimonies I was seeing about him on the internet, how he cured so many people from different diseases and Viruses with his roots, herbs, and healing oil. I placed an order and received medicines after 4 working days and commerce treatment as instructed,  now I'm happily sharing my own testimony to the world that I'm cured. If you need help to cure HSV1-2 or any other disease or virus, contact him today on his email;Aronilovespelltemple@gmail. com When people know better, they do better ! You will be glad you did

  • Deleted user

    Broj poruka: 3

    Prijavi adminu

    Pozdrav drage cure, rado bi vam se priključila jer će mi vaši savjeti i iskustvo sigurno dobro doći u narednom periodu. Imam 32 godine i suprug i ja smo prošli mjesec odlučili početi raditi na trudnoći. U srpnju sam prestala piti kontracepcijske pilule, već 3 mjeseca uzimam vitamine, najprije sam pila samo folnu, a od prošlog mjeseca pijem Elenatal. Također sam kupila ovulacijske trakice i uhvatila pik na petoj trakici, presretna što taj test funkcionira. Imali smo redovite odnose  nekoliko dana prije i poslije toga, ali danas mi je ipak stigla mjesečnica. Znam da je nerealno očekivati da će uspjeti od prve, ali ipak me malo rastužilo, valjda neiskustvo. 😂
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