Što se tiče prije trudnoće, čitala sam da čaj lista maline pomaže u reguliranju mjesečnice, količine krvarenja i općenito PMSa, a i tonira maternicu, no dosta njih ne preporuča piti do 12 tjedna trudnoće... možda da se pije kao priprema, a u tijeku pokušaja samo do ovulacije i onda pauza do testiranja? Za taj dio nisam sigurna i nisam dovoljno istražila, znam samo za ovo u trudnoći
Can't stop the signal.
Loreen,Evo što kaže za menopauzu, ak treba, prevedem:Potential Benefits
Kathy Abascal, B.C, J.D, a contributor to "Botanical Medicine for Women's Health," suggests that raspberry leaf may be beneficial in treating heavy menstrual flows experienced by some women during menopause. It may also help regulate erratic periods, although clinical studies verifying these benefits are lacking. There is no evidence that raspberry leaf tea affects hot flashes, night sweats or any other symptoms of menopause.
Red raspberry– Red raspberry herb is a lifelong herb for rebalancing female energy in conditions such as painful menstruation, morning sickness and hot flashes. Due to the drying effect of the tannins it contains, it reduces excessive menstruation. It relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms and strengthens uterine walls.
It has important therapeutic uses and is nutritious too – containing vitamins A, B, C, G and E. Red raspberry leaf is rich in calcium, phosphorus, niacin and iron. It is an excellent source of manganese, a trace mineral used by the body to produce healthy connective tissue, such as bone matrix and cartilage and an important factor in energy metabolism.
Red Raspberry herb promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth and skin.
As a tea or tincture it is invaluable for treating diarrhea and dysentery. Combine it with garden sage to make a good mouthwash for sore or infected gums and canker sores.
Combine with nettle to replenish iron-poor blood and related low energy levels.
Drinking 1-2 cups of red raspberry leaf every day is a nutritious tonic tea.
Can't stop the signal.
Čaj od lista maline, (ja od lista divlje kupine) u trudnoći i bez trudnoće. Ublažava spazme, regilira tok žući potreban za varenje hrane. Prirodni oblik BUSCOLA i jako efikasan. Kad se imaju problemi pije se svakih pola sata po pola manje šalice (čaj skuhati za cijeli dan i držati u termosici). Izbjegavati hladne napitke. U trudnoći sprječava preuranjeni porod.
evo ja sam jučer popila prvu šalicu
100g u Kući čaja Split košta 20kna ovo piše na etiketi:Preporučuje se za održavanje trudnoće i olakšavanje poroda. Opušta mišiće maternice, pa tako prevenira spazam i prijevremeni porod. Preporuka za korištenje tijekom 7 do 9 mjeseci trudnoće kao priprema za lakši i brži porod. Pomaže i kod jutarnjih mučnina, te pospiješuje stolicu. Piti 2-3 šalice dnevno.
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