Beba Mama poslije poroda 17. srpnja 2017.

Mama pokazala kako izgleda tijelo prije i poslije carskog reza

Foto: Instagram/themodernmumma
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Mama četvero djece objavila je dvije fotografije koje prikazuju njezin trbuh u trudnoći i nakon porođaja i svojom pričom podsjetila ostale mame da prihvate i vole svoje tijelo

Možda je prerano nazvati ovakve fotografije trendom, ali još jedna mama postala je viralni hit nakon što je dokumentirala posljedice carskog reza kako bi podsjetila ostale mame da prihvate svoje postporođajno tijelo"Gornja fotografija: 30 tjedna trudnoće. Donja fotografija: četiri dana nakon carskog reza", napisala je mama četvero djece i poznata blogerica Mel Watts. U obje fotografije vidimo Mel koja viri iznad svog trbuha

carski ožiljak raye lee Možda te zanima... 'Misliš da je carski rez lakši način? Pogledaj ove fotografije' Trudnoća



📸 Top photo 30 weeks pregnant Bottom photo 4 days post Caesarean section. Wow. Honestly it's no castle or bloody piece of art. Sure it's filled with stretch marks and dimples. But this body, this one the one I own gave me another life. Another small human to love and to hold. It held onto him for 9 months and sheltered him, protected him and prepared him for the day he was born. So many times I've doubted my body, so many times I've pinched and pulled at sections that I didn't like. In reality this body has done everything I'd ever want it to do. Sure it's not magazine or swimsuit worthy to some. But to me and my husband, it's the place that grew our babies. It's the place that everything we love most started. And that's all that counts right?! We feel as though we need to follow society's stigma on what we should look like when in fact we should just do what we feel works for us. No body has the same body And every body has their own body. Enjoy it.

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"Toliko sam puta sumnjala u svoje tijelo, toliko puta sam štipala i stezala dijelove koje nisam voljela. U stvarnosti, ovo tijelo je napravilo sve što sam ikad htjela. Naravno, nekima nije vrijedno naslovnice časopisa ili kupaćeg kostima. Ali meni i mom suprugu, ovo tijelo je mjesto gdje su rasle naše bebe. To je mjesto gdje je sve što najviše volimo počelo. I to je ono što je bitno, zar ne?"

Možda te zanima... Mama nakon carskog reza: 'Kao da me pregazio bus' Beba



Hey guys! Me again. So after yesterday's post I've had a few comments, shares etc which have been great . As reaching so many people and connecting with them is important to me, hence why I started to a blog - so someone had someone to relate to. It's been a whirlwind few days since the birth of our Sonny and I took a few moments last night to write down my feelings towards my post Caesarean section at Day 4. The photo was unflattering, with a dressing intact. If you zoomed you may of seen some regrow then and the little dignity I had left. Whatever floats your boat. As the shares reached new people the comments grew wider and further. Some referring to it as a real post baby body, some referring to it as revolting. Which is totally okay. However, I think you should be aware that I didn't use the word "real" in any of my post. I think all women's bodies are real. Some work hard for theirs and some *cough cough* don't 🙋🏻 Over time I've watched women be put down and slammed mostly by other women for how someone looks. Either being too fit, too fat, too sluggish and too pretty. I watched @reviejane get slashed for how she looked pregnant, I read @laurenbrant get trampled on for how she looked after her birth. The difference between us, both of these women work hard for how they look. I've watched Revie going to the gym whilst I'm on a 6 pack of doughnuts. Just because we all look different doesn't mean none of us aren't real or unrealistic. Some women bounce back, some don't. Some women train hard, some don't. And just because you feel like you don't fit in one of these categories doesn't make you any less real than myself, Lauren or Revie. We're all real. We're all women who have birthed little humans and we're all just trying to do the best we can. Just like the other millions of women in the world. Instead of fighting each other and writing nasty things about people we don't know how about we just embrace each other? There is so much bad in this world at the moment that as soon as we stop thinking it's acceptable behaviour to bring other women down it's never going to get better. #bethechange

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"Nitko nema isto tijelo. I svi imaju svoje tijelo. Uživajte u njemu." Ova mama također je objasnila kako uživa dijeliti svoje priče s drugim mamama i gledati kako njezine fotografije odjekuju kod drugih. Ipak, upozorava one koji takve fotografije zovu 'pravim' postporođajnim tijelom. "Mislim da biste trebali biti svjesni da nigdje nisam koristila riječ 'pravo'. Mislim da su sva tijela žena prava. Neke žene se jako trude oko svojih tijela i rade za njih, a neke ne. Samo zato što izgledamo drugačije, ne znači da je ijedna od nas lažna ili nerealna. Neke žene vrate tijelo koje su imale prije trudnoće i porođaja, a neke ne. Neke vježbaju, neke ne. Sve smo mi stvarne. Sve smo mi žene koje su rodile malo biće i sve se mi trudimo najbolje što možemo."

Giovanna Fletcher Možda te zanima... Tatina poruka svima koji komentiraju žensko tijelo nakon poroda Roditelji


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