Krivi vam je podnaslov! Zar nije pedijatar rekao "Od kada se koriste višekratne pelene nema više crvenila..."? Višekratne su platnene pelene...
Provjerite s g. pedijatrom, jer je vjerojatno mislio da otkad se koriste jednokratne. Višekratne platnene koristi možda 5 % fanatika u Americi, a kod nas možda malo više, s obzirom na ekonomsku situaciju...
Ovo je mišljenje Američke pedijatrijske akademije, vrlo cijenjene i meritorne ustanove:
"Diaper choice has been complicated in recent years by the debate on the environmental effects of diapers, mostly centered on the effects of disposable diapers on landfill space. Actually, a number of scientific studies have found that both cloth and disposable diapers have environmental effects, including raw material and energy usage, air and water pollution, and waste disposal. Disposable diapers add 1 to 2 percent to municipal solid waste, while cloth diapers use more energy and water in laundering and contribute to air and water pollution. In the end, it is up to individuals to make their own decisions about diaper type based on their own concerns and needs.
There are some health aspects to consider as well. Excessively wet skin and contact with urine and stool can cause diaper rash. Because cloth diapers can’t keep wetness away from your baby’s skin as effectively as disposables, it’s especially important to change cloth diapers quickly after they become wet or soiled".
Vjeruj mi možda nas im malo, ali nismo fanatici. Samo želimo najbolje za svoju djecu. A po mom mišljenju za moju bebu su bolje platnene od jednokratnih pelena. Isto tako je moja kći iskljucivo dojena 6 mj, za dohranu radimo domace kasice, nosi se u nosiljki i provodimo no cry solution za uspavljivanje i ona spava s nama u kravetu. Nema potrebe ljude koji rade nesto drugačije od tebe odmah prozivati fanaticima.
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