Imam 4ero. Skakalo sam kad je plakalo a ustajao sam kad nije plakalo jer sam se bojao zašto ne plače... Zato kako vi žene ne želite da vas se sve ne stavljaju u isti "koš" uzvratite istom mjerom. Ima nas i drugačiji. S ponosom otac 4ero
Glavno da svi citaju ove rodne stereotipe i gluposti a niko ne cita kako su ti isti rodni stereotipi stetni
Hello, I am a private lender who gives loans for life. Do you need an emergency loan to clear debts or do you need a capital loan for your business? Were you rejected by banks and other financial institutions? Do you need a consolidation loan or mortgage? Look no further because we are here to make all your financial problems a thing of the past. We borrow funds from individuals who need financial assistance, who have bad creditworthiness or need money to pay bills, to invest in business in the amount of 3%. I want to use this medium to inform you that we are making a reliable and useful help and will offer a loan. Thank you, contact us today via email: expressloan1212@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +381 (61) 197-2618
WhatsApp / call: +1 (313) 306-0862
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