Trudnoća Liječenje neplodnosti 03. svibnja 2016.

Nakon borbe s neplodnošću i rakom te čudesne trudnoće, obitelj želi još jedno dijete

rak testisa thishappymess
Foto: Instagram/jlo
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Nakon što je Geoffu drugi put dijagnosticiran rak testisa i liječnici su mu rekli da je neplodan, rođen je njihov čudesan sin Oliver D. Cruz, začet prirodnim putem. Sad se obitelj bori da dobije još jedno dijete i opisuju svoj težak put prema tom snu

Nakon što se rak testisa dva puta vraćao, četiri neuspješna ciklusa IVF-a i velikih financijskih napora, kao i desetak 10-satnih putovanja iz Arizone u kliniku u Los Angelesu, J and Geoff Montgomery ne žele odustati od sna da njihova tročlana obitelj postane četveročlana. Kad je Geoffu drugi put dijagnosticiran rak testisa i utvrđeno je da je neplodan, otkrili su da je J nekim čudom ostala trudna na prirodan način. Njihov sin Oliver D. Cruz sad ima tri godine i obitelj je odlučna u odluci da imaju drugo dijete. Čak je i Oliver kad je puhao svjećice na torti, poželio malu sestru.

"Postoji slaba, ali uvijek prisutna, nagonska, nepokolebljiva nada koja pluta u mojoj srži. Mala je, ali neuništiva. Drži me budnom noćima, istražujući i pokušavajući naći rješenje i zašto nam IVF još nije pomogao. Zbog nje sanjarim po danu kako sam pronašla razlog, riješila ga i nekako, na neki način mogli smo platiti našu petu rudnu. Kad zatvorim oči i duboko udahnem, mogu zamisliti svoju obitelj - i uvijek vidim još jedno biće s nama", objasnila je J za Babble.

Kako se nositi s tjeskobom zbog neplodnosti?

Mama J, opisuje njihovu svakodnevnu borbu na Instagramu i označava slike s hashtagom #lifeloveandIVF. Želi pomoći da se makne društvena stigma s neplodnosti, osvijesti ljude koliko je taj problem čest  i želi pomoći drugima koji prolaze isto što i oni sami. 

// because toddlers switch moods every millisecond // 😳😍💕// #thanksgiving2015 #odcm

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// yesterday was our egg retrieval surgery, so here i am in all ivf glamour, puffy-faced and coming out of sedation, after apparently repeatedly asking my nurses and anesthesiologist for champagne 🙈 // after nine days of stims, we retrieved 21 eggs (versus twelve days of stims and 25 eggs last cycle); 17 of these were mature and 13 fertilized using PICSI (versus 13 using ICSI last cycle) // i had zero expectations on numbers and am just taking information day by day rather than torturing myself with the what ifs and statistics // recovery has been much, much harder than last cycle so that hasn't been much fun but i am planning on giving myself grace in this taxing process // i am so grateful for the changes we are doing this cycle (picsi, half lupron-half hcg trigger, and adding pio shots, our 2012 sample) and am praying hard that our lucky 13 embabies continue to grow and thrive // we'll get another update saturday and bring our embaby home on monday // after six days in LA for three appointments, we are headed back to the A to the Z (because we all need our bed) and on sunday we'll road trip again // are you tired after reading that? i am! // #wheresthechamps #lifeloveandivf #ivf #ivf2

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// this ivf journey is now beyond our control; we've given + taken all of the shots, we've paid everything we have & more, and brought our hope, positivity and honesty to every step of this process // yesterday was egg retrieval surgery and to be honest, recovery was brutal yesterday; today, i'm still sore but better, as i assume each coming day will be // i'm working hard to staying properly hydrated and eating right to avoid ohss // today we received the text stating that out of 25 eggs retrieved, 13 heart sank thinking that half didn't make it and thinking of eeeeverything we have been through as a couple to have this not work // the shots were easy compared to the rollercoaster we have embarked on since today // ultimately, it is all out of our control and we have to remain positively hopeful & pray that our lucky 13 will continue to thrive into beautiful embryos and we get to put one back home this sunday // in the meantime, ohss prevention, recovery and a plethora of more medicines are in place to get ready for our embaby/ies // #growembiesgrow #lucky13 #lifeloveandIVF

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