Trudnoća Porođaj 23. siječnja 2017.

Foto: Mame rade umjetnost od pupčane vrpce!

Foto: Instagram/natalie_hoflin
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Ako ste mislili da nema bizarnijeg trenda od jedenja posteljice, onda nećete vjerovati da netko od ostataka pupčane vrpce izrađuje ogrlicu, narukvicu ili privjesak! Uz hashtag #cordkeepsake na društvenim mrežama mame dijele svoje umjetnosti izrađene od pupčane vrpce, a najpopularnije je isplesti riječ Love (ljubav) ili ime djeteta. "Nevjerojatno je što i nakon što je odrezana, osušena i dehidrirana, ne možemo zanijekati čarobnu životnu snagu koja izvire iz nje", napisala je jedna mama uz fotografiju prerađene pupkovine

All you need is love ❤️

A photo posted by Blissful Womb Birth Services (@blissfulwomb) on

Beauty. #placentaencapsulation #umbilicalcord #pregnancy #postpartum #winnipegmoms #TheElephantCircle

A photo posted by THE ELEPHANT CIRCLE 🐘 (@elephantcircle) on

☀️💗#umbilicalcordkeepsake 💗☀️ You can see the 2 arteries and 1 vein running through the dehydrated cord 🌀 amazing

A photo posted by Nurture The Goddess (@nurturethegoddess) on

💙Umbilical cord💙 There was a cord that once bound you to me You grew at the end, like a ripe fruit on a tree, It fed you and cleansed you and kept you alive It ensured that I cared for you, even while inside. I keep this cord now, the small piece that does remain As a reminder of the great joy I felt after the pain, I promise to keep it safe and always remember the day That you came into my life, and that this cord led the way. Even though the cord is now dry and no longer needed It began the attachment that since then we have seeded, And though no physical cord attaches us now, however The spiritual cord that bonds us is forever. Author: Rachelle Prevost #umbilicalcordkeepsake #placentaencapsulation

A photo posted by Nurture The Goddess (@nurturethegoddess) on

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