Upis u prvi razred, dosad uredno cijepljen. na redu je bilo cjepivo DI-TE pro adultis + POLIO. u nekoliko navrata su nas otkazivali da nema cjepiva ili ga ima, ali se ne mogu dogovoriti tko će ga distribuirati i takooo ...da bi zadnji put kad sam zvala rekli da ipak ne mora primiti to cjepivo, uredno je cijepljen i to je u redu??? To je bilo prije 2 tj. Danas mi kuma govori da su njoj rekli neka dođe bilo koji dan od 8-13 s tim da kumić treba primiti samo POLIO.
Ništa mi nije više jasno, imate kakvih iskustava????
Vaccinating school children is a critical step in safeguarding their health and the community. It not only protects them from preventable diseases but also helps create a safer learning environment. Additionally, promoting dental care alongside vaccinations is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups can prevent oral health issues. For more information on dental care, visit zcaredental.com, where you can find valuable resources and services to support your child's dental health.
Vaccinating school children is a critical step in safeguarding their health and the community. It not only protects them from preventable diseases but also helps create a safer learning environment. Additionally, promoting dental care alongside vaccinations is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups can prevent oral health issues. For more information on dental care, visit zcaredental.com, where you can find valuable resources and services to support your child's dental health.
Absolutely! Vaccinating school children is indeed crucial for their health and the well-being of the community.
Vaccinating school children is a critical step in safeguarding their health and the community. It not only protects them from preventable diseases but also helps create a safer learning environment. mirisne svijeće Additionally, promoting dental care alongside vaccinations is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups can prevent oral health issues. For more information on dental care, visit zcaredental.com, where you can find valuable resources and services to support your child's dental health.
It's a proactive measure that not only shields them from preventable illnesses but also fosters a healthier learning atmosphere.
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