Drage dame dobro veče. Situacija je sledeća: Menstruacija mi kasni 10 dana, test na trudnoću je negativan. Obzirom da imam problema sa produženim menstruacijama (ginekolog mi je rekao da je samo zadebljan zid materice), danas sam počela da pijem čaj od macine trave (očajnice) i virka. Pitanje je, da li je neka od vas imala iskustva sa ovim čajem, i ako jeste, kako ste zadovoljne?
Dordle It sounds like you're navigating a challenging situation, and it's great that you're seeking advice and exploring natural remedies. While herbal teas like fenugreek and vetiver are often used in traditional practices, their effects can vary from person to person, and there is limited scientific research on their effectiveness for menstrual irregularities.It might help to connect with others who've tried similar approaches, but I would also recommend discussing any herbal treatments with your gynecologist to ensure they're safe for your specific condition, especially since you've been advised about the thickened uterine wall. Let me know if you'd like more detailed information about fenugreek or vetiver in this context!
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