7 čudnih ponašanja kod male djece koja su potpuno normalna

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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu Miss7Mama dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu Miss7Mama te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • illuminati667

    Broj poruka: 95

    Prijavi adminu

    Join the great Illuminati today and
    become rich and famous . Are you seeking for wisdom and
    knowledge ? Are you a business Man / woman , Pastor,
    politician , musician, doctor , footballer , student ? Do you
    want to be a famous artist or an actor (e t.c ) and you want
    to be rich, powerful and famous in the world ? Join the
    Illuminati New World Order and let you dreams come
    through , become a member today and receive the sum of 3 million euros ever week with a car whatsapp +919619915236

  • illuminati667

    Broj poruka: 95

    Prijavi adminu

    Join the great Illuminati today and
    become rich and famous. Are you seeking for wisdom and
    knowledge? Are you a business Man / woman, Pastor,
    politician, musician, doctor, footballer, student? Do you
    want to be a famous artist or an actor (e tc) and you want
    to be rich, powerful and famous in the world? Join the
    Illuminati New World Order and let you dreams come
    through, become a member today and receive the sum of 3 million euros ever week with a car whatsapp +12536174810 (chiefpriest666@gmail.com)

  • illuminati667

    Broj poruka: 95

    Prijavi adminu

    Join the great Illuminati today and
    become rich and famous. Are you seeking for wisdom and
    knowledge? Are you a business Man / woman, Pastor,
    politician, musician, doctor, footballer, student? Do you
    want to be a famous artist or an actor (e tc) and you want
    to be rich, powerful and famous in the world? Join the
    Illuminati New World Order and let you dreams come
    through, become a member today and receive the sum of 3 million euros ever week with a car whatsapp +12536174810 (chiefpriest666@gmail.com)

  • illuminati667

    Broj poruka: 95

    Prijavi adminu

    Join the great Illuminati today and
    become rich and famous. Are you seeking for wisdom and
    knowledge? Are you a business Man / woman, Pastor,
    politician, musician, doctor, footballer, student? Do you
    want to be a famous artist or an actor (e tc) and you want
    to be rich, powerful and famous in the world? Join the
    Illuminati New World Order and let you dreams come
    through, become a member today and receive the sum of 3 million euros ever week with a car whatsapp +12536174810 (chiefpriest666@gmail.com)

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