Snažna muževa poruka nakon drugog poroda: Moja žena je pravo čudo

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    Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu Miss7Mama dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu Miss7Mama te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.
  • Anne10
    07. Prosinac 2019. 13:01

     Seasonal greetings to all my friends out there, sorry for the sheraing massage here. I was married to my beloved husband and we loved and nurtured for a good two years and everything went smoothly but on June 29, 2018 we both had misunderstandings and he told me that the relationship was over and he had no feelings for me anymore and i pray for him because i love him so much but he refused me so i got down i feel the world has come to an end for me but my friend told me about a spell for a spell that helped her sister get back into the relationship, good job and service in any of her plans, but at first I was scared, but I have to give this man a trial because I love my husband very much and I am not willing to lose him with any woman, so I ordered a love spell to come back from this great wizard called Mozeba. and he made me a happy woman again to say it all with me my husband returned a lot of love and a caring heart ... I witness this gr eat magic spell, you are a great man in this world and you mean so much to me that you are the best magician. you can contact this man via this email if you really need to resolve your issues. here his email content you can also write him via whatsapp / Viber +2348144480786

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